Shimmer Art by Contemporary American Artist - Ranna®



from 1970s-2000 at

button, swing, Ranna ¨, ©2000
button - shimmer piece, Ranna ¨, ©1997
button - veil (2) (detail), Ranna ¨, ©1999
button - gold ei-shodou, Ranna ¨, ©1998
button - figurative "Dance", Ranna ¨, ©2000
button - wolf dreaming III, Ranna ¨, ©1998
button, mythological figure, Ranna ¨, ©1984
button - empress, Ranna ¨, ©2000
button - hidden banner, Ranna ¨, ©2000
button - catalog cover, Ranna ¨, 2000

button - home

Contemporary American art


Contemporary American art that "explores the profound while serving as a portal to beauty" (ARTnews writer, 2000).*


Art work by Ranna ®, "Journey 1", ©.

Current work is at

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Contemporary American Artist

Photo of the artist, Jan 2000, Ranna, copyright

Contemporary American artist, RANNA®, has exhibited in Australia, Japan, USA and Germany. This Australian-American artist "has produced a prodigious and significant body of work" (Ref 2, 1998). 

Contemporary American artist

Light refraction media in contemporary American art

Shimmering light in contemporary American art:*

Experimental contemporary American art

shimmer art



button - home
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button - review quote from kennelly, 2000.


 button - copyright notice

stone bar


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Artworks © Ranna®. All rights reserved.
Site © 2001 - 2023.